Here are what I call “Peter Kreeft’s ABC’s of Love”.  “These are the things that love naturally does when it is true to its own nature, when it is real love.”

A) You put him (the lover) first. B)  You don’t use him as a tool, as a means to another end. C) You do not insult him. D) You take time to be with him. E) You honor him and his family. F) You respect his life. G) You respect his body. H) You respect his property. I) You respect his mind and you do not lie to him. J) You are content with him.

(Source: Because God is Real: Sixteen Questions, One Answer by Peter Kreeft)

Do you notice something about this list? It’s actually The Ten Commandments!

1) I am the Lord your God, you will have no other gods before me (You put him first). 2) Do not make idols (You don’t use him as a tool, as a means to another end). 3) Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain (You do not insult him). 4) Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day (You take time to be with him). 5) Honor your father and mother (You honor him and his family). 6) Do not kill (You respect his life). 7) Do not commit adultery (You respect his body). Do not steal (You respect his property). 9) Do not lie (You respect his mind and do not lie to him). 10) Do not covet your neighbor’s goods or your neighbor’s spouse (You are content with him).

The next time you meet someone who thinks the Church’s teachings (especially on morality) are just a bunch of “rules and regulations”, imposed on us from outside, tell them: think again. They are not rules, they are love. We want this. This is how we want to love, and be loved. It’s also how our Divine Lover, Christ, wants to be treated by us. It’s written right into our conscience, our nature, from the inside.

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