In today’s Gospel, Jesus is accused of being a mere man trying to “make himself God”. His opponents got it backwards: Man didn’t become God, but God, in Jesus, became man. That’s another story entirely.

Cale explains how God’s covenant with Abraham is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus and the Catholic Church. Please share!

In today’s Mass readings, we see how Daniel’s friends faced the fiery furnace and the fury of a king, knowing God was with them. The Lord is with us in our own trials by fire, too.

Quick video reflection on how Moses’ lifting up the bronze serpent prefigures Jesus “lifted up” on the cross.

Quick video on how Mary’s Immaculate Conception and Perpetual Virginity are referenced — at least obliquely — in Luke’s account of the Annunciation.

Here’s a catechesis I delivered on baptism with Father Ryan Alemao at the Jordan River, while on The Faith Explained Holy Land Pilgrimage. Together we unpack the biblical background and theological meaning of Jesus’ baptism — and our own.

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Ever wonder exactly why Jesus chose to ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday on a donkey? It was no accident. In this video, filmed on location at the Church of All Nations in Jerusalem, Cale explains how Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophecies as a new and greater Solomon, the “Son of David”, not only as Israel’s King, but also as Messiah.

Filmed live on The Faith Explained pilgrimage to the Holy Land, I explain why the Multiplication of the Loaves should be read as a supernatural miracle in Jesus’ career, and how it relates to the daily miracle of the Eucharist. In light of constant doubts, even by high-ranking prelates and scholars in the Church, this is more important than ever. Join us on our next pilgrimage! Reach out here: