And now for Act II…

Here’s Part 1 of a talk I gave at Ernescliff College at the University of Toronto earlier this month on the Theology of the Body. Apologies for the video quality – they used the best camera they could get their hands on.

Our first The Faith Explained conference, dealing with the topic of relativism, was hugely successful. Attendance was double what we had expected, and our speakers left no one disappointed! In the photo, I’m flanked by Dr. Leslie Tomory (L), who spoke on the philosophical roots of relativism, and Anthony Schratz (R), Director of Ernescliff College, whose talk was on relativism, tolerance, and Catholic moral teaching. My talk was on the authority of Christ and the Church.

The response was so overwhelming that we’re planning another one! I can tell you that it’s tentatively slated for the fall – and that it will have a Marian theme. Stay tuned!