lumen-fideiPope Francis released his very first Encyclical letter today, called Lumen Fidei (“The Light of Faith”). In actuality, it was written by two Popes – Benedict XVI had begun the Encyclical some time ago, intending it to be the capstone to his trilogy on the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love. Due to his resignation, he was not able to promulgate Lumen Fidei himself – that task fell to Francis. But the new Pope did more than simply sign the document. He put his own stamp on the Encyclical in other ways – the introductory comments and the Marian section ending the document is likely from his hand. However, it is clear from the bulk of the material that Benedict’s mind and and thought are behind much of what is said, especially considering B16’s unique grasp of both pagan as well as Judeo-Christian history.

Contrary to what is being reported in many media outlets, this is not the first time two Popes have had a hand in an Encyclical. Pope Benedict’s first Encyclical on Love (Deus Caritas Est), was based on an unfinished work begun by Blessed John Paul II prior to his death in 2005.

I will have much more on this in the days to come, but for now, you can get started by reading Lumen Fidei for yourself here.