Cale makes the Gospel of Mark come alive as he unlocks the secrets of the first Gospel ever written. This one-day seminar walks through Jesus’ power-filled ministry as the true God-man, in a world in which the Roman Caesar was falsely worshipped as a deity.


The new English translation of the Mass that’s coming in 2011 is a perfect opportunity to do much more than simply learn the new responses we’ll have to say in the liturgy. It’s a chance to rediscover what the Mass is all about – and encounter Jesus Christ as never before.

Be sure to book Cale Clarke to speak to your group about the New Mass!


The Catholic priesthood remains a mystery to many. Did Jesus intend to found it, or was it a later invention of the Church? Why are priests celibate? Why can’t women be ordained? How does the universal priesthood of the baptized differ from the ministerial, ordained priesthood? The answers to these questions will help us to truly understand and appreciate the priesthood – both Father’s, and ours.

THEOLOGY OF THE BODY BY POPE JOHN PAUL II The Theology of the Body is the master key to unlocking Pope John Paul II’s vision of the “Civilization of Love” that must be built amidst the ruins of what he called the “culture of death”. Discover God’s plan for the human body, sexuality, marriage and the family with this phenomenal pope.

THE BIBLICAL ROOTS OF CATHOLICISM “Where is that in the Bible?” is a question frequently asked of Catholics. But far too often, silence passes for an answer. In this seminar, discover that there is nothing in the Catholic faith that contradicts the Bible – and nothing in the Scriptures that contradicts the Catholic faith. Discover why the Bible is a Catholic book, through and through – in fact, without the Catholic Church, the Bible wouldn’t exist. And in it’s pages we discover the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, founded by Christ and still standing today – the Catholic Church.

THE EUCHARIST: SOURCE AND SUMMIT OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE The Eucharist is the heart of the Catholic faith – because it is Jesus himself. Discover the Scriptural and historical evidence for the Real Presence, buttressed by Eucharistic miracles and Church teaching on the “Most Blessed Sacrament”.

THE MASS: HEAVEN ON EARTH Is the Mass a “medieval invention” of the Catholic Church that replaced the sincere and pure worship of the first Christians? Or is the Mass the greatest gift Jesus bequeathed to his Church, attested by both Testaments and the testimony of history? Discover the Biblical and historical roots of the Mass, and “worship – God’s way”.

MARY: ALL ABOUT (THE NEW) EVE More so than any Catholic teachings, our doctrines and dogmas about the Blessed Mother are often called into question and misunderstood. Learn how to “stand up for your Mother” – and explain why she’s the Immaculately Conceived, Ever-Virgin Mother of God, Assumed body and soul into heaven, using Scripture, history, and plain common sense.

TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER: THE BIBLICAL AND HISTORICAL ROOTS OF THE PAPACY “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church”. These words of Christ, recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, are among the most famous – and famously misunderstood – words of Jesus. Learn why Peter is indeed the head of Christ’s Church on earth, both then – and now. After discovering the exciting Biblical and historical evidence for the Papacy, you’ll be able to say, along with St. Ambrose, that “Where Peter is, there is the Church”.

THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SUPERHEROES Is Superman a Christ Figure? What does Batman have in common with Saint Paul? Why is James Bond such a pleasure seeker? What did Spider-Man discover about Love and Responsibility? The answers may surprise you, as you discover how these heroes help us to understand the ultimate hero and the true Super Man, Jesus Christ.

THE LIVES OF THE SAINTS In a world looking for heroes (and even superheroes), we have our very own in the Catholic Church: the saints. The only difference is, they actually exist! They, too, often exhibited supernatural “powers” – just think of St. Joseph of Cupertino’s ability to fly, Padre Pio’s bilocations and stigmata, or the Incorruptibles, like St. Pio and the most beautiful of them all, St. Bernadette of Lourdes.

One of our most neglected treasures is the lives of the saints – perhaps some of our greatest arguments for the veracity of the Faith. Whether it’s a modern-day saint like Blessed Mother Teresa, or an inspiring figure from the past like St Justin Martyr, each one is a masterpiece, God’s unique work of art. Discover how the saints of yeaterday can help us to realize God’s dream for us – to be the saints of today.





And more…